Monday, July 11, 2005

Who are we and what are we doing here?

"The Goodfellas" is our trail name which refers collectively to the individuals known as Asswrangler and Nipplehonker. Don't ask where these names came from, just accept them.

The purpose of this blog is to simultaneously entertain, inform and act as a resource to those hoping to undertake a similar trip. Our future posts will detail the preparations for our trip. There possibly will be some "live updates" during the 10 day journey. The final posts will contain a detailed trip report complete with photographs.


JPD said...

One step ahead of you...we use separate tents

Anonymous said...

What do you recommend eating on such a trip--outside of legumes and beef jerky where do you get your protein for such a trek?

I look forward to following your expedition via this site. Any chance you will use GPS so that I can track you?

Happy trails!

Anonymous said...

Are you gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you start throwing out words and phrases like "legumes" and "happy trails" and I have to question your sexual orientation.

GPS is way to complicated for guys with names like Asswrangler and Nipplehonker.