Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Nipplehonker Goes Solo

First off props to Asswrangler for exposing us to legal liability within 24 hours of launching this blog. We'll all rest easier now knowing he committed a massive copyright violation by attempting to pass off Dr. Evil's life story as his own. (Although local legend does say that Asswrangler ritualistically shaves his testicles in Titicus reservoir under each full moon).

Tomorrow my BarBri review class ends, so I'm going run up to the Catskills for a test run of some of my gear, some quiet bar exam study time, and to regain a small amount of sanity. My BarBri review class ends around noon, I'm going to leave straight from there, should take about 2 1/2 hrs to get to the Woodland Valley State Campground. I plan on studying for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

I bought a new pair of boots from EMS this week, so I want to make sure they aren't going to cause massive blisters and to begin breaking them in before we hit the road next month. Also, I've only used the solo tent I plan on using during the trip once before. I'm hoping for some late night rain to test its watertightness.

I'd like to be on the trail by 7AM Friday morning, tag the summit of Slide Mountain, and be back at the car and on the road back to Forest Hills by 1PM or so...then back to the grind of studying for 10 more days. I'll post a full trip report w/ pictures sometime over the weekend. Unfortunately this won't be a Team Goodfellas adventure as Asswrangler is busy working, Nipplehonker will be flying solo on this adventure.

I am Nipplehonker and I approved the contents of this message.

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